4 Reasons Why You Might Need To Rebrand Your Business

10 November, 2020

Businesses often need to rebrand as a result of many reasons below


  1. The brand image failed to target younger audiences

If your long-lasting logo has a strong connection with senior people, but your intended audiences are young, undertaking a rebranding project is a must because:

  • The brand is associated with older generations and less appeal to younger ones 
  • The vintage logo may not fully express your brand values, which potentially makes your brand irrelevant and outdated.  



Habeco is one of the main players of the Vietnamese beer market. However, due to the strong impression as a traditional brand, it is a challenging task for Habeco to attract high-income young consumers in urban areas. Therefore, to make its brand connect to young people, Habeco’s new brand identity was adjusted as below:

  1. Corporate wants to adapt to the new changes in market

New trends, technological shifts, significant changes in behavior are among the top common reasons for refreshing your brand. To reflect the current market dynamics as well as to take the opportunities of acquiring new audiences, sometimes, just a small change in color, shape or typography is enough.  


However, if you decide to redesign your brand identity, keep in mind that the change may significantly affect the preferences of the consumers. The GAP’s new logo is one of the painful examples when rebranding without careful consideration of market responses. Thus, before making any adjustments, you must research thoroughly and has a corresponding brand strategy in advance.



Realizing the arising digital habits of internet users who gradually visit a website via smartphone, Google redesigned its logo to be looked good on a small screen by using a bolder typeface as well as softer color. Therefore, the logo was not only clear to read but also easy to display on low bandwidth connections.

  1. The logo cannot fully express your brand values

When the nature of business has significantly changed from its core value, it may lead to confusion if still using the original logo. To be more specific, merge and acquisition can diverse your brand portfolio; brand repositioning or change in business direction can make brand characteristics differ… Consequently, the current logo may fail to reflect all the added attributes.


Therefore, it is highly recommended that corporate should take the corresponding action whenever a new significant change happens in business nature. Because apart from the consistency between brand values and logo, refreshing the brand identity is also a useful way to make your change visible to your customers. 



Owen changes its positioning strategy to approach the young professional with its high quality products at an affordable price. As a result, its logo was redesigned to look more elegant and high end:


  1. The brand identity look similar to other competitors

No differentiation, no originality, no standing out, if your brand identity looks like everyone else, it is a sign to undertake a rebranding project to claim your space and steal the spotlight. Tech companies such as Google, Airbnb, Pinterest, Spotify for example, using almost the same typographic. Miniso and Minigood are quite identical due to their text layout and red background. Some brands are copycat from others as their strategy, but if you fall into the industry standard of logo designing, your brand will lose your competitive advantage.



Sometimes, rebranding is a good idea to overcome the current challenges or to take advantage of the new rising trends. However, if you make your decision lightly, the rebranding project may lead to unfavorable results. 


In case, you just need a little guidance to align your branding identity with your current strategy, do not hesitate to contact us at: