
7 June, 2021


Restructuring brand portfolio, developing new brand identity as well as branding strategy for each sub brand. Based on the new branding position, developing the IMC campaign to promote the brand.

Scope of work

Brand identity, positioning strategy, branding strategy, media planning and execution, TVC.


  • * Branding:
    • – Developing the brand and branding strategy that helped Vianco bounce back and recover during the recession because of a pandemic outbreak.
  • * IMC:
    • – Facebook: Facebook engagement: 12,335, video views: 120,651, minigame interaction: 3000 (including 360 comments, 200 shares).
    • – Google Instream ads: 270,000 impressions and 191,373 views.
    • – CSR campaign: provide free lunch for people in need during the hard time of pandemic Covid-19.


Tell us if you need some advice!